The weekend is finally upon us! Take some time to check out this amazing inspiration from around the web this week!
- style your life whips up a fabulous ensemble in grey and white... I just love the fresh and modern feel of this outfit!
- the pretty bee makes over her family room... she shows before and after shots (gotta love a "before and after!") that includes this sunny vignette.
- where is the me in mommy? reminds us of five simple things to add to our to-do list that is sure to brighten our day... my fave: more time for reading to our kids!
- do. think. wear. see. love. dream. takes on a safari wardrobe challenge and totally knocks it out of the ballpark, or more aptly the wildlife reserve.
- a spot of whimsy reorganizes her bookshelves... and rainbow-itizes them! (much more pretty than alphabetizing them)
- karina, ink reopens her shop and has a pretty awesome freebie for bloggers - you won't want to miss this!
- one hundred inspirations gets us this french-chic Leighton Meester look for less than $100 (well actually, less than $82 to be exact!!)
- good life for less takes us south of the border for some fun wardrobe inspiration that just screams summer!
- sweetie pie pumpkin noodle is coveting sand & sea... um, yes me too! Especially this blinged out swimsuit!
- merci blah blah gets disco fabulous and I couldn't love this belt/necklace combo more! Can you say "whoooo, whooo"?
Interested in finding out how you can be featured on the "it" list? Email goodlifeforless @!
schones wochenende!
xo. di.
schones wochenende!
xo. di.