Wednesday, June 23, 2010

book rainbow.

when i was unpacking post-move this weekend (which went very smoothly, by the way!), even though i was using almost all the same furniture, i thought i'd shake some things up.  you know, work on that whole change issue!  the bookcase in my bedroom had begun to overflow with pictures, trinkets, and a whole lot of books, and so i started there.  using an idea i found in my too-frequently overlooked "decorating ideas" folder, i arranged my books by color, and now i've got myself a little book rainbow:

blues and greens

 pinks and purples

 blacks and reds (which quickly turned into a twilight shrine, whoops!)
and a little group shot

a little library, growing larger every year, is an honorable part of a man's history.  
it is a man's* duty to have books.  
a library is not a luxury, but one of the necessaries of life.  
-henry ward beecher
*or a woman's  :)

xo. di.
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