Thursday, January 13, 2011

thoughtful thursdays.

is this a new series on the blog?  sure, why not!  it may not be every thursday (in fact it won't, i don't want every day to be a predetermined series!), but that's kinda the point.  i'd like to write these thoughtful posts when i'm feeling, um, thoughtful.  like today. 

first things first: i'm using photographs from the adorable sarah tucker's etsy shop as the eye candy in this post.  want more beautiful photos and a very sweet love story (with a side effect of acute jealousy due to all the amazing places she's been)?  then be sure to check out her blog, fairy tales come true.

so, since i started some reorganization projects last weekend and have made a to-do list of others to be done throughout the winter (hopefully sooner rather than later), i've been thinking about clutter.  physical and mental clutter. 

because i'm a person who, when i have stuff everywhere, can't seem to concentrate on anything but that. 

so i become weighed down by it all.  i wonder how i got all this stuff.  why do i have it?  do i need it?  and how can i arrange it in a way that does not leave me exasperated every time i look at it?  

this last question became the basis of the projects that i have now taken on.  the reason for my trips to ikea and target last weekend.  because i not only have too much stuff, but the stuff i do want is sometimes hard to access.  i'm thinking this can be applied to both the physical and the mental clutter. 

the top shelf of my closet scares me.  like if i move one little thing everything might come toppling down.  because it might.  i need to fix this.  

so for the next few weekends, while it's bitter cold outside, i'll be inside, throwing away, recycling, charity-ing (i made a new word!), ebay-ing (someone else probably made that one up already) and then arranging and rearranging.  until i have a space that isn't packed to the gills.   

because i need room to grow.  again, physically and mentally.  if i want to start a new project, i want to have the space to store it.  if i am inspired to .... write ... read ... create ... blog ... etc ... i don't want to be lost in that mess of stuff rather than in whatever got me inspired.  

i don't have a lot of storage space in my apartment, but the closets aren't exactly tiny either.  i just have too many things.  i keep things i don't use and am really good at thinking up ways i could use a particular item in the future.  i'm starting to see a good metaphor in there for how to [not] live one's life.  

see, this thinking thing pays off!  and thanks for following me through it.

xo. di.

*all images via sgm tucker photography    

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