Wednesday, December 22, 2010

santa's coming!

eek, just 3 more days until christmas!!  but do not panic!  today i come to you bearing gifts: 2 super easy and super fast recipes for last minute christmasey desserts!  both are proven hits!


1-2 packages of rolo candies
pecan halves
snyder's snaps (square waffle pretzels)

1.  preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2.  lay pretzels in single layer on ungreased baking sheet.

3.  place a rolo on each pretzel.

4.  bake for 2 minutes only.

5.  take out of oven and immediately press pecan on top of rolo and down about 1/2 way.

5.  move to a cooling rack.  allow to cool completely 
(takes several hours, i try for overnight if enough time).


1 (10 ounce) package mini twist pretzels
5 cups cheerios
5 cups corn chex
1 (14 ounce) package red and green m&ms
2 (11 ounce) packages white chocolate chips
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 cups peanuts (optional)

1. line 3 baking sheets with waxed paper or parchment.  set aside.

2.  in a large bowl, combine pretzels, cheerios, chex, m&m's, and peanuts.  set aside.

3.  combine white chocolate chips with vegetable oil and melt according to instructions on package (i tried both on the stove and in the microwave, and the stove chocolate came out much smoother and thinner, so i suggest that method!).

4.  pour melted chocolate over cereal mixture.

5.  mix well, making sure to coat all of mixture.

6.  spread onto prepared baking sheets.  let cool (to speed up - stick in fridge or in cold garage for an hour).  break apart and store in airtight container until ready to serve!

 "SANTA!  i know him."
- buddy the elf

xo. di.

*all food pictures from my personal collection, last picture via
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